Invitation to Participate with Kirrily Anderson
We are delighted to welcome Kirrily Anderson back to Falls Creek in February 2021 to participate in the Artist in Residence Program. Kirrily is asking locals to meet with her and discuss their experiences during the bushfires in 2019/20.
Please see her invitation below with further details;
My name is Kirrily Anderson and I am a visual artist based in Chiltern. My current work is heavily inspired by the small details of nature, particularly within National Parks of North East Victoria.
In 2021 I will be creating a body of work to be exhibited at the Murray Art Museum Albury (MAMA). This work will be in response to the bushfires of 2019/20 and will focus on national parks in North East Victoria as a place of solace. I will be investigating the human response to both the loss and damage of national parks due to the bushfires, as well as the regeneration.
My aim is to create a reflective body of work to acknowledge not only the loss and damage but also the hope that comes with regeneration.
I am looking to meet up with a range of people who have a connection with National Parks in the north east region (Burrowa-Pine Mountain National Park, the Alpine National Park and Mt Buffalo National Park) - rangers, farmers, CFA, RFS, First Nations people, photographers & artists, community volunteers, nature lovers etc. to discuss their experience and response to both loss and regeneration. We would ideally meet for half an hour or so in the national park, so I can collect photographic inspiration of the environment, but this isn’t essential.
If interested and able to assist, please get in touch via email, phone or socials.
[email protected]
0431 123 825
instagram - @kirrilyanderson
facebook - @kirrilyandersonartist

‘Roper’s Lookout 02.20’
Ink and watercolour on paper
Inspired by a fire affected area of
Alpine National Park, February 2020.
Photo: Nat Ord